
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Spring session weaving classes starting soon

 Tea towels and cloths woven in twill by Lis Baston.
Monday evenings for the spring session I will be offering  shibori, woven shibori, and kasuri/ ikat techniques. Please specifiy what you would like to do although you may not have time to do them all in the time that the course runs. Materials are extra. People can also register on Monday for the regular weaving class and do their own projects.
 Example of kasuri or ikat from Keiko Shintani
Examples of shibori by Judith Fielder
Registration for the weaving classes have begun. If you have not already registered it is time to do so.
Please sign up early as the classes have been filling to maximum and we have had to turn people away. Monday classes start April 8 and Wednesday classes start April 3. Below are the codes for the time slot you would like to sign up for. Go to to sign up or do so in the next class.
Mon 10am-1pm Apr 08 8wks $170($102senior)      56820
Mon 1:30-4:30pm Apr 08 8wks $170($102sr)         56819
Mon 6-9pm Apr 08 8wks $170($102sr)                   57043
Wed 10am-1pm Apr 03 8wks $170($102sr)            56818
Wed 1:30-4:30pm Apr 03 8wks $170($102sr)         58755
Wed 6-9pm Apr 03 8wks $170($102sr)                   57044

Allison modelling one my handwoven doubleweave capes. She looked so beautiful and vibrant I had to take a snap! She is a great role model for us all and talented as well.
A very successful completion of the double weave sampler by Carla Duncan. On the left, you can see that she created her own 'pick up' designs.

 Summer and winter placemats by Jane Tucker using mop cotton in the weft.
 Some historical artifacts and an old weaving book that Laura de Vrij picked up at a flea market.
 More scarves woven on a knitters loom by Laura de Vrij. She use a variegated yarn in the weft which gave her this gradating effect. It can also be used to great effect in the warp. With the scarf on the left, Laura hand stitched the motif onto the scarf as well as at the edge of the scarf shown below.

Birthe Jorgensen picked up this beautifully woven silk from Laos.
Birthe also informed me that people can take textile design and fabric arts (as well as many kinds of crafts or handwork (haandarbejde) courses in Denmark during the summer months. The school is called Skals.
It is one of many  Danish Folk High Schools offering courses in cultural and historical craft practices and is available to  adults in the summer : .  Korte Kurser (short courses) are offered in the summer at Skals. Birthe says  that the school's website isn't in English yet, "but everyone under 90 speaks excellent English" .  Here is a google translation of the one week course in June:
Summer course - with Skals embroidery, re-design of textiles for the home and body, jewelry, embroidery and weaving.
Summer Course in Skals is like a vacation where you will be filled with inspiration and peace. With talented teachers and other students immerses you in new techniques while you develop yourself and your craft. Jewelry, design, embroidery, weaving are examples of what is offered.
Additional activities include lectures, field trips, visits to studios/workshops,  exhibitions, and craft fairs.  For more go to


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