
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Weaving Class Registration and more

Eleonor of Toledo with her son Giovanni, painted by Bronzino. This painting hangs in the Uffizi and the voided silk velvet fabric  of the dress is an example of the kinds of textile reproductions that the Fondazione Lisio creates. 

I visited the Uffizi when I was in Florence in June. Above all I was dazzled by the virtuosity and skill of several painters in their ability to depict textiles in minute detail. Of course, those who commissioned these portraits were proud to display their status which was conveyed by the textiles they were adorned with. Bronzino was in my estimation, one of the most talented artists in this regard. Despite her initial unpopularity with the Florentines as Cosimo I's consort,  and  as a Spaniard, Eleonor gained great influence in Florence. She encouraged the arts and was patron to many of the most notable artists of the age. A pious woman, she encouraged the Jesuit order to settle in Florence, founded many new churches in the city and attempted to better the lot of the peasantry. It is said that as many as 10 "cloth of gold and silver" weavers were in her employ creating the textiles for her wardrobe requirements. 

Toronto Weavers and Spinners asked me to give a talk and slide presentation of my recent stay in Florence Italy describing the experience of taking a one week jacquard weaving workshop at the Fondazione Arte della Seta Lisio, with the two instructors Eva Basile and Julie Holyoke. I will describe the processes involved in creating jacquard woven textiles. The talk will take place Wednesday September 11 at Riverdale Farm at 7:00 pm. If you need instructions about where it is located please contact me at 
Summer and winter table runner by Renata Lindner. 
Pattern taken from the book Handweavers Pattern Directory by Ann Dixon. 

Registration for weaving classes in fabric, rug and tapestry  commences August 12, 2013. 
Monday classes begin September 16 and run until December 2. 
Wednesday classes begin September 18and run until November 27.  
Black tencel scarf by Dr. Louise Granahan

The cost for the Senior rate 61 years of age and older is $140 and below 61- Adult -  $234. 
Here are the code numbers for each of the classes which you will need to enter if you register on-line through this link: 

Monday 10-1                  61212
Monday 1:30-4:30          61211
Monday 6-9pm               62300
Wednesday 10-1            61210
Wednesday 1:30-4:30    61639
Wednesday 6-9pm         62301

Note:  Wednesday 1:30-4:30 is a considered a Seniors Daytime class. When you arrive at this page click on the Seniors Daytime. Note that only 2 non-seniors can register in this time slot. If you are a non-senior, can only come in this time slot and are unable to register, please contact me directly at 
Scarf in Theo Moorman technique based on my design in summer 2013 issue of Handwoven magazine. Woven by Judite Vagners.  

1 comment:

  1. Line Dufour its really good offer for senior and non-senior i would like to read it with detail.
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